Unlimited for Premium, 20 downloads for Free user & 10 downloads for who Not registered.

Non-registered user:
A user who is not registered on Freepiker.com, has a download limit of 10 downloads a day. If you want to extend this limit, you need to register or purchase a Premium subscription.

Registered user:
As a free user, you have a download limit of 20 downloads per day. If you want to no limit, you need to purchase a Premium subscription.

Premium user:
As a premium user, you have no limit of downloads. You are unlimited downloadable. Also, you can download our hand picked preimum resources.

We want to allow our users to download a high number of resources. However, to avoid an irresponsible use of our resources, we’ve established this limit.

Note: If you download the same file more than once in the same day, it counts as one download of the daily download limit. So for example, if you download limits 20 & downloaded the same file 3 times, you still have 19 downloads left for the day.

However, if you download a file you already downloaded on a previous day, it will still count towards your limit.